It's Not Just Your Candidates Who Have Questions To Answer

 It's Not Just Your Candidates Who Have Questions To Answer 


Career It’s Not Just Your Candidates Who Have Questions To Answer So, you feel it’s time to expand your team with some new talent – and there’s no question that the latest Recruitment Technology, such as Webrecruit’s own Fusion package, enables you to do so faster than ever these days. But have you asked yourself all of the questions you should? It’s not only your applicants in the interview room who should be grilled, as you should be asking a few questions of yourself before you commence a recruitment campaign. Here are just some of them. What Is The Purpose Of This Position? Whether you’re filling a role that one of your long-time employees has just vacated or you’ve introduced it with a view to fulfilling duties that no other current role within your company can, it’s vital to be able to answer this question clearly. If you can’t, it’s time to pause and re-evaluate your need for the position

, before you spend any more precious time and money trying to fill a vacancy that may not even be necessary. How Will This New Hire Take The Company Forward? If you’re looking for a particular type of candidate for a particular position, you will presumably want them to help to take your firm in a particular direction. How will be the next person that you hire contribute to your company’s pursuit of its grander vision? What Will This Person’s Relationship Be With The Leadership Team? Who will this person’s direct supervisor be, and what reporting structure will you have in place? What Characteristics Must The Candidate Possess? Consider the qualities that an excellent candidate for this role would

 have, including both soft skills and core competencies. What Will Constitute Both Short-Term And Long-Term Success In This Role? Set out the benchmarks for what the person who is appointed to this post should have accomplished by such milestones as the end of their first 60 days, six months and year. Is There Someone Within The Company Who Has Previously Held This Role? The vacancy may have arisen due to the role being vacated by another worker at your firm. If so, they may serve as a useful model for how the job should be done by any future recruit. Even answering just some of these questions will give you a clearer sense of how you can recruit the best possible person to fill your open position. Combine those answers with our fully-featured and Cost-Effective Recruitment technology here at Webrecruit, and you could stand to achieve even better results in matching talent to vacancies.
